Published at Jan 16, 2024

New Year, new goals


After some good years, I finally came back with the idea that maybe having a blog is good for me. I thought of making videos, but usually, they take too much work, and I find that watching videos take a lot more time in comparison to read a text.

Who am I?

I’m Lucas, I’m just an Artist that end up becoming a Computer Cientist. Most of the time, I end up studying multiple things out of curiosity, but at the end of the day I always come back to Computer Graphics or anything that involves Game developing in some way in my free time.

Pixel Art

So, what are my goals with this blog?

What I want with this blog is to use as a documenting tool of the things I’m learning at the moment.

For now, I will try to come with posts about:

  • A game that I have been planning to develop
  • Webgl
  • Whatever I’m doing with C# / Golang / Javascript
  • Web based projects
  • Websockets

Maybe i can talk about pixel art or other projects that I have in my backlog. However, I must focus on the first three points above. I hope at least at the end of this year reach my goals of make this game and maybe understand the concepts of webgl to develop my own 2D API. At the end of the day, the last one will contribute my understanding of low-level graphics api, therefore it will help too in game developing at the future.

Until next post!

Lucas Lima © 2024